Thoughts of you has been running through my mind all day. I've been loving you , like it was the first time. Call me stupid , for still loving that you who've torn my heart into pieces. Fortunately , its still beating. Still beating for you.
Pause my blog song first , and listen to this.
♥loved 9:08 PM
November 24, 2009
Nadia ♥ says: tapi kan sigh aku kalau bole nak korg due together seh honestly kan iqah kau happier with him around )=
An opinion from a girl who've been there through my ups and downs this year. It has been tough , so tough that i swear im still in a mess now.
God , give me the strength.All i need for now is strength , aplenty of it.
My girls , they shared their joy of being in love again. Full of smiles in the morning to start off their day with , whispering sweet moments which happens after school on the day before , their moments with their beloved.Watching the moon and stars together , cuddling in each other's arms. After a long day in school , what more do one need other than to be with that special someone?
I am elated , with the fact that they're finally happy.
Back to school.
There is a fire drill activity at 9.30 in the morning just now. I was excited about it , like real excited that i cheered when the alarm rang. Like finally , i get to see all the ITE Clementi people at one go *drroooools* :DD
I miss bestfriend.
♥loved 10:54 PM
November 23, 2009
Camwhored during break time using Daniel's phone! Favourite .
Msges filled my day , the sight of friends who welcomes me in school with hugs. Bedah , calling me up to give such encouragement for me to move on.The way she understand me , how much she cried for me , telling me that she'll always be there , apologizing for not having the time for me. Friends , they are a treasure.
Aqill Azmi!You're sucha sweet boy<3
♥loved 10:44 PM
November 22, 2009
I shared this with Azrul and Aqil , since they're chatting with me. There is tears in my eyes when im reading it.
It Is by: Author Unknown, Source Unknown
It's nice to know that you're secured with that someone. That even if the rain is pouring hard and the sky is almost dark, he'll never leave you just so you won't feel alone. Even if his friends had left him (and even if he has to be somewhere else) he'd still stay by your side, just so you won't feel alone.
It's so good to know that you have someone who'll be willing to help you cope up in every frustrations you're having. Every depressing moments, every down moments, every self-worthless-realization moments, he'd be there, not because you want someone to be with you, but because he wants to be with you.
It's great to know when a person appreciates every little thing you do. Even a smile would mean a lot to him, just because you own that smile. And that even if no words are expressed as long as the eyes understand, you'd be able to communicate, just like that.
It's overwhelming when a person tells you that he loves you for who you are. He may not have an answer when you ask him why, but really, he doesn't have to have reasons for loving you.
It's more grateful to know that someone is grateful to have you. We don't choose the people who enter our lives, so it must be luck that you have that person, then you have to be thankful. It may just be coincidence or fate, but whatever the reason is, you have to be thankful in having him the same way he is thankful for having you.
It's a wonderful feeling when you're on the verge of giving up the things you've worked hard for, someone isn't just helping you carry the weight on your shoulders, but he carries it on his own because he'd also be in pain when you are in pain. And then you'll realize, trials would all be worth it as long as you have him, not because he would do things for you, but because you gather all the strength you need, in him and his love.
It's a superb feeling when one is willing to take the risks just so you'll be happy. Unselfishness rule in him just so happiness would take over you.
It's a nice feeling that when you're apart, and days seem to be long, that person misses you. Yes, you might feel bad about not being with each other, but knowing that you feel the same way would drive those blues away, thinking, you'd fight over that feeling because you're looking forward to seeing each other, and that's something to be happy about.
It's a great feeling when he wants to be with you because of the happiness you have when you're together. That even if corny jokes and senseless stories are told, it won't matter as long as you're together.
It's a lovely feeling when someone thinks about your future, with or without him. He cares and he cares enough to think of you and what you'll be someday. But of course, he also wants to be in it someday.
It's a nice feeling when you can be who you really are with that person. No pretentions, no lies, no hypocrisy, because he accepts you for who you are. You can be funny, you can be embarrased, but it won't matter coz it doesn't matter to him. Trust and faith in each other keeps you alive. And it will always do.
It's good to know that you have someone who'll not have the intentions of breaking your heart. Instead, he would be willing to mend it, picking up the broken pieces of your heart that your past love have scattered in the ground. He may not be able to put the pieces back to where they really belong, but you shouldn't mind, because he had repaired that heart of yours, and he fixed it in his own way. He loves you in his own way, not the way your past did. He fixed your heart in a different way, to keep you from feeling the pains of your past heartache and to make you feel, the love, that he's unselfishly giving.
It's a great feeling when that person has every effort to let you feel what he feels for you. Because of the distractions, you may not hear him shout it to the world, but as long as you feel it, his efforts has paid off, big time. And when you feel the same way too... He'd feel as if he's the luckiest person alive.
... when in fact, you're more blessed to have him.
♥loved 10:29 PM
November 17, 2009
Pictures speaks a thousand words.
For my dearest girlfriend who've been with me for the whole 11 years , happy 17th birthday to youu!
Nurul Fadilah Bte Hashim , no words could describe our friendship.
We've been through the phase of life together for 11 years.
You've been a wonderful friend , and a true companion.
I love you girlfriend<3
♥loved 11:05 PM
November 16, 2009
Your first mistake , and this is your way of asking for an apology.Tell me whose heart wont melt? (:
When i fall , there's always someone who picks me up. Kumar used to be the one when Haikal left.
I answered ''Daisy. Daisy has different colours and they're so pretty especially the pink/red/orange. It always brightens me up(:''
Im touched.Maybe the sweetest thing that i've heard of since like , ever(:
His Birthday was on the 12th of November.Im a bit late here , but here you gooooo. Happppyyy BIrthdaaaaaaay AZRUUULL!!!!You're my favourite random budddyyy. Thanks for being a great companion , and for lending your ears every single time im down. Do you know that you're always there when im in need of just someone? The fact that we can share just everything and anything , well , you just rock my random world:D
Here's a different story.
We had an advanced surprise birthday celebration for Nurul Fadilah Bte Hashim at west coast park yesterday. Plannings , from plan A to F , just to convince fadilah to go out with us. Her boyfriend , Fam , even asked me to tell her to act as if im dead depressed and intend to commit suicide at west coast park. I'll have to lie?YES , to a dear friend whom i've known for 10 years. To lie to her was the last thing that i would do lah okay. Fortunately , they came up with a different plan.heeee:D
Worried that i look so pale without make-up on , they insist on putting on make-ups for me. That watery eyes of mine that you saw after putting on eyeliner for me nabilah , those were actually tears of joy. To have friends who cared , whom i can find comfort in.I could never ask for anything more.
I feel like im talking too much.Love deprived.
Had an impromptu dinner with dearest fityan friends at west coast plaza , then to west coast park with Matin , Fahmi , Fadilah , Khalisah , Seri and Kay! Yes , fahmi drove us to our destinations. It was a meaningful night, a night where i've decided to let it all go. I've decided not to blog about it. But here's a big THANK YOU for my fityan friends for being there , for the hugs and advices. Read fadilah's blog , there's a note for me and im touched.Thank you , dearest.